New Horizon

New Horizon

Welcome to Horizon Ceramics!  Horizon is a hand-crafted, one-woman shop and a wild dream with the intention of doing good with what we are given.  We've all got good things to do in this world with the gifts we're given--what's yours? 

So, take a quiet moment before you start your day and grab a handmade mug to help you get going. Make yourself that Moka Pot Latte (recipe to come on another post).  Maybe read 10 minutes of a book and journal a few thoughts.  Perhaps spend some quiet time reading a Psalm or words from someone who inspires you.  Whatever it is, use your handmade mug as a cue to help you approach your horizon with intention and strength.  

"Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly." -Tom Reilly

Handmade mug with seashells and sea foam on beach by waves
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